Page name: Fantasy Critters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-03 18:38:49
Last author: kanaseria
Owner: RenegadePhoenix
# of watchers: 39
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Welcome to Fantasy Critters United

A place where your fantasy self or critter can frolick... We are also a little nuts too O_o


Let your imagination run free

Welcome To Fantasy Critters United a place where you can come and frolick with your fantasy critter or if your a fantasy critter yourself... We welcome anything and everything! So please don't be shy and just add yourself to the list below as a member and please take a badge and place it on your Elftown page. If you need any help with anything or have any questions please contact me through elftown I am [RenegadePhoenix]! Alright have fun, look around as things keep changing so keep coming back to check up on us! :P


I will be making new badges now and then, if you have any suggestions or wish to submit a badge please contact me [RenegadePhoenix] and I will see what I can do. Thanks everyone and enjoy the current badges







I'm doing a badge trade For Dragons United so please check it out if you like dragons! <img:>

(To put your name on the list just go to edit and add your self!)


I know you all you people out there want to be members so go right ahead to the members page and join up!!!

DON'T PANIC: ALL POEMS AND SHORT STORIES HAVE MOVES TO Fantasy Critters Writters! Please go right ahead and add more stuff

fantasy critters shortstories</center>

<center> Do you Have a passion for doodling and drawing? Well Please post your Fantasy Artwork up here Fantasy Critters Art work


Go here Fantasy Critters and Games for a new competitions, games and awards!

Sorry About the Changes Bare with me!

Do you have a picture of a critter you love? Do you want it to be a guardian of one of the Fantasy Critters United Wiki Pages? Send me a message to let me know of which location you want and let me see your pic and your Fantasy Critter may be a guardian! All spots are open... except for the front page, which the Moon Dragon is guardian of and the main Writters Page! but all other pages are currently open and waiting for guardians! So message me if your interested!


three contests geared towards all of our talented individuals in Fantasy Critters United. Stay posted for any updates, as well as to voluteer for various jobs. positions for badge makers, wiki creators, and much more are available. these individuals will also be placed upon a comitte that will help to develop future wiki ideas. message [kanaseria] if you're interested in helping

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2004-05-09 [Tigress Nera]: wow, i've missed alot. damn u computor! (hard drive failure) why would u call a guy betty [kanaseria]???

2004-05-09 [Tyrana]: Oh, I'm so sorry about Bob's little ones. Sent her my deepest sympathies...

2004-05-09 [RavenTalon]: Ur mom killed them all?Oooo...

2004-05-09 [RenegadePhoenix]: -was a sniper in paint ball..... they never saw it coming... but also knows the great pain of paint ball at once.. where I was walking out of the game and these people jumped me.. at maybe five feet distance and shot at me.......... and lets see.. did they get a peice of my mind- Anyways.... -blinks- Who is Bob?

2004-05-09 [kanaseria]: bob is my brown wolf spider who lives behind my bed n disappears sometimes. she's a girl! if i can call a girl spider bob i can call a guy spider betty. i don't hear any suggestions 4 his name from u all.

2004-05-09 [RavenTalon]: Hows about Crescent or something along those lines

2004-05-09 [kanaseria]: umm... no crecent don't fit him...

2004-05-10 [hellsangel]: How about Moonshadow or Orophin?

2004-05-10 [kanaseria]: BOB'S DEAD!!!!!!!!!! i found her this morning! she's dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her n her babies r gone now! but there is another spider in the washroom, but its not bob!

2004-05-10 [GraphicEntropy]: Awww, poor Kanaseria! *hugs* It will be okay. Bob is in a better place now. He is in a happy spider heaven full of stupid fat flies and little buggys, and no people to squash him.

2004-05-10 [kanaseria]: but bob is a girl spider! no spider can replace the great bob!

2004-05-10 [GraphicEntropy]: But now she is in spider heaven with her babies. Just give her a proper burial. You could even make a little headstone.

2004-05-10 [Easterling]: *pats kanaseria on the shoulder* Just let it all out, and then it'll get better...

2004-05-10 [kanaseria]: i buried her, but i didn't make a headstone. i'm doin a paintin in her honor

2004-05-10 [GraphicEntropy]: BTW, are you sure she is dead? Sometimes it can be hard to tell. They don't move for a little while, then they get back up. It's not like you can check their pulse.

2004-05-10 [GraphicEntropy]: *imagines little spider doctors with tiny heart zapper things going "CLEAR!" and zapping another spider on a table*

2004-05-10 [RavenTalon]: BOB!!!WHY!!!NOOOO!

2004-05-10 [Tyrana]: *Hugs kanaseria* I'm so sorry... ... We should make a Bob memorium...

2004-05-10 [RavenTalon]: I have a memoriam in my page,for pets...go to my's at the bottom somewhere

2004-05-11 [kanaseria]: no bobs dead dead... i dunno, i'll always have my memories of bob i guess... and soon the roaches will be back unless i move the spider in the washroom into my room, or pull the one from the closet out

2004-05-11 [Paul Doyle]: I tend to think this Bob is cuter:

2004-05-11 [kanaseria]: guienea pigs r weird... i prefered my bob, but now, bob's gone. i'm gonna hafta bring in the spider from the washroom, and name him, along with the 1 in my closet. why did bob hafta die! my sister killed her, i know it. evil older sister

2004-05-11 [Tyrana]: Awww... Guinea pig! I loved my guinea pig! He died just recently. Cancer. Yeah... His name was Newton. (My cat's name is Isaac. Clever, I know...)

2004-05-11 [kanaseria]: extremely clever... i moved the spider from the washroom into my room... *sighs* i think its a guy but he don't replace bob... i don't even feel like namin him yet

2004-05-11 [Tyrana]: Oh. I'm sorry... It'll be impossible to repleace Bob. The new spider may end up with a personality of his own, though...

2004-05-11 [GraphicEntropy]: Guinea Pigs are kinda shy. I prefer something a little less terrified of me.

2004-05-12 [kanaseria]: like a spider perhaps

2004-05-12 [Paul Doyle]: How are guinea pigs weird, other than those little "btt btt btt btt" sound they make as they run across the carpet?

2004-05-12 [kanaseria]: i just don't like guinea pigs. they give me the creeps. guinea pigs, hamsters, and some other things like that.

2004-05-12 [RenegadePhoenix]: -sits in corner... raises eye brow and raises hand- Cheque please.. -quietly pays without leaving tip goes outside... gets taxi to airport and flies away very quickly- 

2004-05-12 [RenegadePhoenix]: ANYWAYS...... Alright everyone I hate to say this but were going off topic a little.. I know we all loved Bob but we got to move on.... I am also personally sorry for the fact that I haven't been around much.. but with first no internet at home for awhile till now where my brothers have come home and steal the computer from me :'(... So my time is limited for now... -blink- O_o But I am getting some new pics uploaded this week as well as I would love to see some new art work.... any ideas on games/competitions and prizes are welcome.... just send me a message or email me.... on my hotmail account.... which is on my homepage... Anyways.... Have fun everyone and I will try and be around more

2004-05-12 [Easterling]: Any ideas of competitions? How about something oriental-style? I'd love to see some djinnis, samurais, harem-girls and sabre-fighters... ^^

2004-05-12 [kanaseria]: ooo!!!!! i agree with easterling. only problem i have no scanner *looks at [RenegadePhoenix] hopefully* can u scan stuff for me again?

2004-05-12 [GraphicEntropy]: Perhaps a norse mythology one? Norse myths are so cool, with Dark Elves and Light Elves and Yggdrasil and dragons and worlds or fire and ice. We should make a poll once we get a few ideas.

2004-05-14 [kanaseria]: *looks at picture drawn in sketchbook* why did my scanner have to die! *sighs* i actually drew a pretty good pic for once...

2004-05-14 [Easterling]: Awww *hugs kanaseria*

2004-05-14 [kanaseria]: thanks... but, but still! why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-05-14 [Easterling]: Just rise up and try again (^_^) - like all artists have to do...

2004-05-14 [kanaseria]: ok then... so basically steal a scanner... good idea

2004-05-14 [Easterling]: Ha ha...!!

2004-05-14 [GraphicEntropy]: Hello? *echo echo echo*

2004-05-15 [Paul Doyle]: ow . . . damn headache

2004-05-15 [kanaseria]: headache... i think i have asprin in here somewhere... *goes through impossibly immensley large pocket*

2004-05-15 [Easterling]: "Get out - get out of your echo chamber...!" (the Ark)

2004-05-15 [GraphicEntropy]: I feel like no one can hear me. *realizes she is inside the Grand Canyon* Oh maybe that's why. *goes back into wiki room* How about a norse mythology contest? I would say the eastern one sounds cool, but it's kinda overdone.

2004-05-15 [Easterling]: It is? I haven't seen any contest here like this before... But, well, I don't look at many contests...

2004-05-15 [GraphicEntropy]: Just the whole samurai thing. It's been really popular lately. At least on my side of the world. I ALWAYS see some guy walking around in a shirt with a anime style samurai on it and katakana that probably say "Look at me! I am a stupid American! If you can read this, please beat me up!" Perhaps I'm just cynical.

2004-05-15 [Easterling]: Well, skip the samurai-part completely. How about a bedouine-style-contest? Tousand and one night - Aladdin, Ali Baba, prince Almondflower and camels.

2004-05-15 [GraphicEntropy]: *goes to look up bedouine on google*

2004-05-15 [GraphicEntropy]: I see. The desert herding people. Sounds awesome to me! *starts to gather info*

2004-05-15 [Easterling]: When I was on a schooltrip to Israel we visited a bedouine-family who used to invite tourists. We went on a camel-ride and then slept in tents there over the night. It was in the middle of the Juda stone-desert. (^_^) ... We couldn't sleep, though, - all of a sudden a bus with tourists came and started a LOUD party with disco-music (*laughs*), and when that was finished - at last - a cock started to crow and went on like that until the sun was going to rise.

2004-05-15 [Easterling]: And then we had to go - because we were supposed to watch the sunrise from the ruins of an ancient Jewish fort..

2004-05-15 [GraphicEntropy]: Awesome! I would love to visit the Holy Lands. Unfortunately, that's the last place an American wants to be right now.

2004-05-15 [Easterling]: It's probably not permitted to go there now - when we were there it was remarkably calm. Almost no other tourists, though, which was a good thing for US because we were able to have prayer and worship in the churches.

2004-05-16 [IndigoRose]: Oh wow..I've been to israel........I was baptized in the Jordan River

2004-05-16 [IndigoRose]: It was frggin' cold.......and the Dead Sea was fun too.....I liked it mostly because i knew there wouldn't be anything sneeking up on me, like a shark *shivers*. It's fun to just sit down in the water and float.....^_^ but not such a fun things to get the highly salted water in your eyes.....:-/

2004-05-16 [IndigoRose]: I'm so sad since it's not such a safe place to go now.......

2004-05-16 [Paul Doyle]: there is an alternative . . . ;-)

2004-05-16 [Easterling]: ^^! We had a baptism in the Jordan River, too - a girl and a guy from my school were baptized there and we had some worship. It was so beautiful... We bathed in the dead sea, too. *gives rose a high five*

2004-05-16 [Easterling]: Eh, paul - where is that?

2004-05-16 [Kiristo]: Hello! I'm a new member!^.^

2004-05-16 [kanaseria]: hello [Kiristo] and welcome 2 the wiki. *shakes hand* i'm the second in command here. i'll welcome ya cuz [RenegadePhoenix] isn't online 2 often anymorer (we finished school a week n a half ago, no more free net and her computer has been taken over by her brothers. anyway... welcome

2004-05-16 [Kiristo]: ^_^ Glad to be here. this place has to be heaven to me.

2004-05-17 [kanaseria]: heaven... *looks around wiki* this place... whoa...

2004-05-17 [Kiristo]: well, haha ever since my life has been falling apart i've only wanted for my fantacies to come true. and this place ,like it says uptop, is sorta like that.

2004-05-17 [kanaseria]: lol. hey, my life's been falling apart 2, so i guess i kinda feel the same way

2004-05-17 [Kiristo]: ^_^ glad i'm not the only one. but lately i've been ok. i've been able to deal with things at school more, my friends have been helping me out with things, well Fath is helping me and Kristina well...has just been a pain. and i have a new boyfriend.

2004-05-17 [kanaseria]: much kool ^_^ i g2g. my mom needs 2 use the phone. ttyl

2004-05-17 [Kiristo]: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH, only one phone line, just like me.

2004-05-17 [kanaseria]: i'm back... and bored! woohoo! boredom, go me!

2004-05-17 [Kiristo]: same here. (i say that too much)

2004-05-17 [kanaseria]: not as much as i do

2004-05-17 [Kiristo]: dout that.

2004-05-17 [kanaseria]: doubt it all u feel, u doubter u!

2004-05-17 [Paul Doyle]: [Easterling] the Desert of Maine is in SE Maine. It was a big American Colonial farm that was mismanaged, so the soil eroded and became a "desert". I haven't visited there, but ought to, since it's only about 5 or 6 hours away from where I live.

2004-05-17 [VorpalBlade910]: *raises eyebrow*

2004-05-17 [Paul Doyle]: correction---the family settled on that farm in 1797, well after Independence, and back when Maine was part of Massachusetts, so it is "Early American", not "Colonial American" Oo

2004-05-17 [Kiristo]: *laughs* no i doubted that u said "lol" more then i say "same here."

2004-05-17 [Easterling]: Ok, then I understand.

2004-05-18 [kanaseria]: The Origin of Kanaseria new story new story! go here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-05-18 [Paul Doyle]: um . .. a stork with a baby in a bundle?

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: what!?

2004-05-18 [GraphicEntropy]: Poor Paul finally got his brains eaten out. Poor, poor Paul.

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: O.o

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: Eaten by who? The Elftown-eater? Or you, dragon??? (O_O)

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: I'm Lady Dragon. i've been here for a while.

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: Oh, I meant dragonlegend... sorry, I wasn't thinking of that your name had dragon in it, too.. How are you this windy evening, then? (^_^)

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: Well I'm fine, and you?

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: I'm fine, too. I was shopping today - didn't find the cd I was looking for, but a really nice hand-bag :) ... and a top. .. Sometimes material things make you happy.

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: ^_^ geuss they do.^.^

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: I bought a little yellow duck, too, to send to a friend.... :)

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: HAhahaha, so sorry couldn't help myself.~_^  all i'm trying to do at this moment is to get all my hw done.

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: Sorry about what?

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: the yellow ducky thing.

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: Oh, ok...! Yeah, it's really cute - and it goes 'pip-pip' when you squeeze it... (^_^)

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: What is your homework? Maybe I could help you.

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: right now i'm on my note cards, but then i have a spelling unit to do,three ws., i have to get two tests singed, and three wb pages.

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: Oh... pretty much, then. And all is until tomorrow?

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: yup

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: now i'm on my math hw.

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: There I can't help you - maths is my weakest subject. :P

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: i'm doing algabra, *lets see, c divided by 7, for c=42*

2004-05-18 [Easterling]: /(∞_∞)\ ...!! *LOL*

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: lol, i know

2004-05-18 [Kiristo]: ok, d divided by (2+7), for d=54

2004-05-19 [Dark Vampire Queen]: ahhhhhhhhhh no not maths! *runs away screaming*

2004-05-19 [kanaseria]: ooo! algebra. i'm actually good at algebra (i suck at all other types of math)

2004-05-19 [Kiristo]: it's not reaaly that hard, it's just anoying.

2004-05-19 [kanaseria]: i'll say it again cause i want recognition cuz i actually wrote something halfway decent. the origin of kanaseria

2004-05-20 [Kiristo]: kkk?

2004-05-24 [IndigoRose]: I wonder why I haven't been here in a while.......what's new?

2004-05-24 [Kiristo]: not much.

2004-05-25 [zinny]: rar.......were's the member's list again? i no findith.

2004-05-25 [GraphicEntropy]: Ya know, no one has entered into the competition yet.

2004-05-25 [Easterling]: zinny: It's below the dragonsunited-banner... but the link is like this: FantasyCritters

2004-05-25 [Kiristo]: yes, it is

2004-05-25 [kanaseria]: another new member? as second in command, i welcome ya

2004-05-25 [Kiristo]: me?

2004-05-25 [kanaseria]: nope, 2 [zinny] if they ever return

2004-05-26 [zinny]: i shall! for i am here already!! FEAR ME! lol.

2004-05-26 [Kiristo]: ..........^_^v, oh

2004-05-26 [Dark Vampire Queen]: *yawn* mmmmmmmm time i went 2 bed! even tho i prefer to b awake at night, i have to go 2 work 2moz :( cyas!

2004-05-26 [Kiristo]: ......ok, cya.

2004-05-27 [kanaseria]: whoa... i gotta talk in here more often...

2004-05-27 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2004-05-28 [IndigoRose]: Me too.....I just have alot of them that I keep tabs on at the same time..

2004-05-28 [kanaseria]: i have like... dunno how many. never stopped 2 count

2004-05-28 [Tyrana]: I have quite a few as well... I've been reading this one, but I never know when to jump in... wow... I've been gone for a while... *Jumps forward* there. ^_^

2004-05-28 [Tyrana]: Of course, now that I've jumped forward, I'm on the desk in front of the moniter, so I kinda hafta bend way down to type...

2004-05-28 [Tyrana]: well... not really... ^_^

2004-05-28 [Kiristo]: ^_O

2004-05-29 [Tiger Shark]: *appears* mind if I join?

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: of course u can join. i welcome you *shakes hand*

2004-05-29 [Tiger Shark]: why thank you. *hands you a cookie*

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: ooo! i get a cookie. finally i get rewarded for my hard work. *eats cookie* yummy ^_^

2004-05-29 [Tiger Shark]: aaaaaanyway....

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: hmm...

2004-05-29 [Tiger Shark]: yeah....

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: uh huh...

2004-05-29 [Tiger Shark]: mmhmm...

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: mmmkay...

2004-05-29 [Tiger Shark]: *trying to think up a topic of conversation*

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: *has no thought in her brain* umm...

2004-05-29 [Tiger Shark]: *not getting anything interesting*

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: *has elevator music playing in her head* umm... where'd that come from...

2004-05-29 [Tiger Shark]: * music playing in her head* uh....I don't know...

2004-05-29 [Tyrana]: We can talk about cookies!! I like cookies! cookies make me happy!! Have some cookies!! *Hands everyone cookies*

2004-05-29 [kanaseria]: woohoo! cookies and elevator music. go me!

2004-05-29 [Tyrana]: A better combination I can't concieve of...

2004-05-29 [Tiger Shark]: how about NO elevator music! YAY!!!

2004-05-29 [Kiristo]: ^^

2004-05-29 [Tyrana]: I've actually never been in an elevator with music in it... I dunno... maybe there just aren't many in Maine...

2004-05-29 [Kiristo]: maybe...........

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: Lucky........

2004-05-31 [Kiristo]: well i don't live in Main so i've got no idea.............................

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: ........

2004-05-31 [RavenTalon]: I hate elevator music!! AHHH!

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: Don't we all....

2004-05-31 [RavenTalon]: AHH!

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: STOP SCREAMING!!

2004-05-31 [Kiristo]: *looks out window*

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: *scurries under a rock and stares out*

2004-05-31 [Kiristo]: rain.......................

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: rain.......

2004-05-31 [Kiristo]: it's raining........*smiles*

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: same here.....I like rain....

2004-05-31 [Kiristo]: *listens and looks at rain*

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: *runs outside and stands in the rain*

2004-05-31 [Kiristo]: *opens window and uses wings to fly outside*

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: *flies to the roof and sits in the rain*

2004-05-31 [Kiristo]: *flies to a tree and listens to the rain*

2004-05-31 [VorpalBlade910]: we're all gonna drown....

2004-05-31 [Kiristo]: *simply ignores blade and contiues meditation*

2004-05-31 [VorpalBlade910]: *laughs*

2004-05-31 [Kiristo]: *ignores blade still* must consontrate....

2004-05-31 [VorpalBlade910]: *shuts up and walks away grinning to herself*

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: who says I'm going to drown?

2004-05-31 [VorpalBlade910]: no one, i was being sarcastic cause all ya'll were talking about was rain

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: I see.....I like rain

2004-05-31 [VorpalBlade910]: hey i like rain to

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: don't we all?

2004-05-31 [VorpalBlade910]: most of us

2004-05-31 [Tiger Shark]: those who don't are strange

2004-06-01 [Kiristo]: *whispers to herself* must consentrate...........

2004-06-01 [Ham]: Rain is wet

2004-06-01 [GraphicEntropy]: Rain is bad when it brings tornados. The tornados that have been on the news were only a few mile from my town The town they hit (Hallam) was leveled. It was crazy.

2004-06-01 [Gwendylyyn]: *yawns*

2004-06-01 [Ham]: Cover your mouth when you yawn.

2004-06-01 [Gwendylyyn]: *covers her mouth and yawns again and then tackles Ham*

2004-06-01 [Ham]: No don't!

2004-06-01 [Gwendylyyn]: MWAHAHAHA

2004-06-01 [Tyrana]: We don't have tornadoes... way too many mountains 'round here... oh... and hello ^_^... Haven't written here for a while...

2004-06-01 [Ham]: Hi.

2004-06-01 [Tyrana]: Hello there... It's raining here, too. Yep. Beautiful Western Maine... heh... *insert corny music here*...

2004-06-01 [zinny]: haha....i got colorado

2004-06-01 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: got night over here.. in the netherlands

2004-06-01 [Tyrana]: Oh, yes. Time zones are fun, aren't they? It's about 5:00 pm here...

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